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A man who is currently single and looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 44, Height: 5' 11" (180 cm), Weight: 180 lbs (82 kg), Body Type: fit, Ethnicity: white / european

Where I Live:

 USA  >>  Washington  >>  Seattle  >>  Eastlake


GayCowboyCentral Listing

I enjoy the masculine, confident, independent philosophy of the cowboy lifestyle, not to mention a man who looks good in jeans and boots is hotter than anything else (except a man who looks good OUT of jeans and boots). I know that if it came to it I could handle myself and survive relatively well and enjoy being around guys that like to really get their hands on a project. Favorite quote: My friend Scotty said of me when I go out camping, I don't know what happens to you when you go camping but you turn into a wild animal or some crazy mountain man or something. It's crazy!. lmfao

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